Hey Folks!
Just wanted to drop down a quick update as it seems the last one was a few months back. I hope everyone had a positive and productive 2010. Let's make 2011 even better I say! This year, is the year of balance. Which ties in nicely with these two sneak peek pages for the Kung Fu Panda comic titled Kung Fu Panda: The Art of Balance, I did art for. The book is due out on April 11. I really enjoyed the Kung Fu Panda movie, and I find it is one of Dreamworks stronger efforts. My favorite is definitely How to Train your Dragon though. That creative team managed to create strong characters, matched with strong design and great storytelling. What is your favorite Dreamworks film, and why?
I hope you enjoy the samples, and I look forward to your thoughts on the book when it arrives on stands in April!
Marvelous page !
This is for Kizoic, right ? So, what about more Ghostbusters ?
these pages are amazing!! I think my fave dreamworks movie so far has to be how to train your dragon...but KFP comes to a close second!
Nice page layouts and color. Beautiful work.
These are just beautiful! Are they vector images. I'm racking my brain trying to figure it out.
KFP is by far my favorite.
I just picked it up at my local comic store. Great work!!! Now I have to debate keeping it or giving it to my nephew;) Love your work!
Awesome! I love the bgs.
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