The winter holidays are coming up quick it seems. So, I thought I had better post some holiday cheer. My family celebrates Christmas, but what is Christmas really? I'm not religious by any means, and I believe that everyone should practice whatever they feel is right for them. But why is there a tree in my place, and where did Rudolph come from? I suppose I should just research it, but I would like to hear what you think and feel.

First off is my yearly tradition, paying homage to one of my favorite films. A Christmas Story is one of those films you can easily define as classic. I think the thing that is so enjoyable about it is that it's completely sincere in what it is saying. Also, through Ralphie's eyes you see everything with that innocent perception adults seem to lose growing up. I've been itchin to do this scene for a year. Probably as much itching as you would do if you had to wear that Pink Bunny costume, lol.

Secondly, is another yearly pic. It's a humble homage to one of my favorite writers, Dr.Suess, and one of my favorite animators, Chuck Jones. The book is amazing and the cartoon is genius.
I felt last years pic suffered from poor composition. This year I'm trying to incorporate more tension and use of negative space. Plus, this is the first time I've tried my hand at Max. My daughter absolutely adores him, and I really hope she likes this pic when it's done. I'll be sure to post it when I'm done.
Thanks to all that are coming to the page to check out my work, it's very appreciated!