I wanted to announce a contest we're holding to celebrate the release of
Cereal & Pajama's . Here's the low down;
Saturday morning cartoon comics sharing the fun!
Ape Entertainment is pleased to announce the CEREAL AND PAJAMAS ‘Back of the Box’ Pin-up Contest!
Give us your interpretation of any character or characters from the variety of stories packed into the CEREAL AND PAJAMAS Anthology. The three best pin-ups (as judged by the Cereal and Pajamas creators) will be published in the CEREAL AND PAJAMAS anthology! Entries are due June 10th and the winners will be announced June 15th.
"This book has given all of us involved a chance to show our interpretations of the type of shows we loved as a kid," says contributor/ co-editor Mike Jungbluth. "What we hope with this contest is to give 3 more artists a chance to show the world their own unique take on our characters."
Ape Entertainment co-publisher, David Hedgecock added, “CEREAL AND PAJAMAS is a unique anthology that is giving voice to some of the most incredibly talented ‘up-and-coming’ creators of this decade. With this contest, now there are even more opportunities for new talent to shine.”
CEREAL AND PAJAMAS is a collection of original stories meant to evoke the nostalgia of Saturday mornings with a grown-up twist. The stories compile the talents of up-and-comers such as Ray-Anthony Height (Noble Causes, Darkstorm), Jeffrey Cruz (10th Muse, Sinbad: Rogue of Mars), Dan Schoening (Invincible Handbook Vol. 2, DC Online) and Israel Cruz (Atomik Mike), as well a slew of artists from the fields of television and games. The book features a cover by Jack Lawrence (Lions, Tigers and Bears, GoGo-Gorilla and the Jungle Crew, A.T.O.M.)
Inspired in style and execution by fond memories and fueled by mature storytelling, the creators of CEREAL & PAJAMAS bring you endless worlds of adventure: faraway galaxies, zombified tomorrows, fantastic landscapes, crime-ridden cities and many more. Saturday morning grows up with 11 original tales by industry veterans and newcomers alike.
CEREAL AND PAJAMAS currently contains over 128 full-color pages of completed stories and will be released in August. You can see more at
APE Comics or
Cereal & Pajamas @ ComicSpacePrizes
1st Place
- Your artwork printed in the Cereal and Pajamas anthology
- A free Collector's Edition copy of Cereal and Pajamas.
2nd and 3rd Place
- Your artwork printed in the Cereal and Pajamas anthology
- A free copy of Cereal and Pajamas.