In anticipation for the new Spidey flim, and news of a Spider-man animated series designed by Sean Galloway, I thought I'd drop some art. I was trying to really push the posing with Spidey, as he is amazing, so why not try and give him amazing poses. Now, I'm not saying the drawing is amazing, but I know I couldn't stretch that good. Also, it's a nice juxtaposition with having Spider-man very agile, while Parker more subdued. As a bonus, my good friend Cale Atkinson sketched up a Spider-Man VS. Venom pic, which I had to color up. Hope you all digs!
These are all pretty sweet, Nice job.
Loving it. Guess we know where we'll all be this weekend!
ps: Funny, I just remembered that I did a prop of a can of "Dapper Dan" pomade for the PPG Movie. (Craig was still pretty high on the O BROTHER vibe, as it had just come out when were making the film)
I think yours is much better than mine.
These are cool, just looking at the goblin one it kind of looks like they are going in one direction together, it would be cool if spiderman was looking back at he goblin.
Thanks for the comments guys! Chris, you are too kind! Thanks a ton for the comps on the pomade design :) Jeff, I can see what you mean, I dig your suggestion too. I just kinda whipped these off one per night, so I usually go with the subconcious suggestions when I'm drawin them. Not always a good thing lol. Cheers
fantastic stuff!
I love the sketches.. your form and line is amazing.
F************k these Spidey pics are awesome!!! Color these mofos!
I mean your form and line are amazing. I would realy enjoy seeing your images in chromatic splender
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