Sorry for the lack o' updates! And thanks to all that are following the ol'tine blog here too. I wanted to drop a few pieces of art, just so you all know I'm not dead. At least the mirror under my nose shows signs of life, lol.
I've been reading up on old folk lore and stumbled upon the story of the Beast of Gevaudan. A very interesting read, and I suggest checking it out.

I'll be back soon with some updates and thoughts, thanks again for swinging by!
Dan.... If you have something TMNT-related cooking, I'm going to flip out. Please, make it so!
You know your TMNT designs are fantastic!
That first sketch is just plain great. In one picture you have told a whole story, I all so am impressed with how you lite the wolf girl and rocks to show forground mid and background. Thank you for posting this. It has inspired me to get outta my own art funk.
Thanks for stopping by my blog-nook and the kind words! Your designs are... just... plain... great!
All the best! :D
awesome stuff, I think the jumpsuit design if really nice too.
Very ,very nice sketches Dan . I like specially your girl´s , thay are very beauty
see u dude
I love it! Good work!
mazing as usual Dan!
I like it ,especially , the face´s girl, her expression is great.
Congratulations Dan!
Awesome stuff! Love your work.
If your into the Beast of Gevaudan, check out the French movie "Brotherhood of the Wolf", its a really visually rich movie inspired from those stories; Im sure you'll get some awesome inspiration from that. Its really enjoyable too, think a French kung-fu movie.
I really love these sketches, especially the top one! Thanks for the story recommendation too. I will look that up.
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