Monday, November 19, 2007

Here's a fun pic I did for Illo Friday! "Superstition" is the theme. Unfortunately, lucky human feet just don't work the same...



Monday, October 15, 2007

Who ya gonna call? Four years and counting, here's this years Ghostbusters pic! Thought I'd show some love for #2 and a villain with possibly the best hair ever, Vigo.

Happy Haunts!

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Who ya gonna call?


This year I'm gonna pay respects to the sequel that may not have topped the first movie, but was fun in it's own right. Plus who can beat a floating Vigo the Carpathian head? This here is the rough, and I'll have the final posted on October 24 th :)

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Well I thought I'd post some stuff on my blog here that I wouldn't normally post. I like to consider the blog here as a place to showcase things I don't put up anywhere else, as I think I have a very small amount of visitors checkin' this page out. I dig that, it's like going to a pub and sharing some work with a few buds. I have been a little out of the loop from art as of lately, but I do have some prior commitments that always need tending. Here's a smackerel of things that I've been working on. Feel free to leave some comments or feedback. And yes...even critique is welcome! Actually, I encourage it. No time like the present to get better at what you do. Hope you all digs!

Here's a pic that I colab' with Mike Jungbluth on. After reading the Sinestro Corps I was mused to doodle them up. Mike took my pencils, inked them and then popped down some sweet colors. After that I added some efx and viola! We had this as a print during the Chicago Con and it sold rather well if I do say so myself.

Last but not least, is this here Power Girl. Why Power Girl? And why did I draw her chest so small? Well, the latter question first. Her chest is smaller, as I hate drawing big boobs. Seriously, sometimes they get drawn a little over the top, but that is my personal preference I guess. I'm more of an ass guy anyway. But that is another story. Power Girl was chosen as the next DC animation that I'll be doing. Under the color model you will see some cleaned up stills from the animatic. At this stage, after the timing is down and the keys are done, I'll start to color the characters, and get them ready for animation. I finished up a Batman animation, that should be up mid October on the DC Comics Site, just in time for Hallowe'en. Good fit for the Bats I say. And using that prelude to All Hallows Eve, there is currently a new Ghostbusters pic in the works. I'll post the roughs for that next week ;)

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Well the Chicago Con from the 9th to 13th of August has come and gone. Some great memories, and new faces made this one to remember. To all the people that I met, it was a pleasure, and I hope to repeat it next June. Here's a little synopsis of what my travels were.

August 9th, alarm goes off at 3:40, after only going to bed about 4 hours prior. I rush out the door and drive out to the Victoria International Airport. Little did I know, I left my alarm on, so the neighbor downstairs was awoken every morning at 3:40 to blaring music for what I believe to be 15 mins. Flight to Vancouver was smooth, usually about a half hour. Then it was off to Chicago after a layover of and hour. I was unfortunately treated to "Shrek 3" as the in flight film. Now, I don't think Shrek is the worst looking animated film, besides the boring design, but this film was so horrendous...let's just say they murdered my love for "The Immigrant Song," by Zeppelin. Bonham is turning in his grave. I arrived at O'Hare at about 2:30, ahead of schedule. Called the Chairman and Matt, and I met them with little probs. After that, Mike arrived at vestibule 3d. We snatched him up and began our drive to the acclaimed Motel 6. Did I mention we got lost? After driving through 5 towns, and asking for directions 2 tines, we found it. Then it was off to the Con to meet up with Tim and Ian at the Ape booth. Hilarity ensued, as the rest of the weekend was filled with sketches, finally meeting Hen, more sketches and cardboard pizza.
Although the trip to that one deep dish place was good tines. Also something about Megaman glowing and DK not tossing barrels. I was blessed to meet up with some new and old faces alike. Matt from DA who did some wicked colored art to show me. Von Toten, who is as cool as they come, not to mention talented like a beast. Shapestrong, who handed me an amazing maquette she did, Jessica "Animator Xtreme" Plummer, and Joe Bluhm, the best caricature artist I've ever seen! Jon Riggle, Superdookie, Spagetti016, AgentBill, Chip14, uber talented Jeff "Chamba" Cruz, Kweli, Bender, Robb Mommaerts, Yoni Limor, Mike Kasinger, Lucian X and slew of other cool peeps. Hopefully I didn't leave anyone out, I'm sure I have, so please take no offense. My brain has been reduced to mush since arriving back. Kinda like this overview of my without further ado, the pictures to fill in the gaps! Thanks again to all that swung by, look forward to doing this again in June!



Wednesday, May 16, 2007

I wanted to announce a contest we're holding to celebrate the release of Cereal & Pajama's . Here's the low down;


Saturday morning cartoon comics sharing the fun!

Ape Entertainment is pleased to announce the CEREAL AND PAJAMAS ‘Back of the Box’ Pin-up Contest!

Give us your interpretation of any character or characters from the variety of stories packed into the CEREAL AND PAJAMAS Anthology. The three best pin-ups (as judged by the Cereal and Pajamas creators) will be published in the CEREAL AND PAJAMAS anthology! Entries are due June 10th and the winners will be announced June 15th.

"This book has given all of us involved a chance to show our interpretations of the type of shows we loved as a kid," says contributor/ co-editor Mike Jungbluth. "What we hope with this contest is to give 3 more artists a chance to show the world their own unique take on our characters."

Ape Entertainment co-publisher, David Hedgecock added, “CEREAL AND PAJAMAS is a unique anthology that is giving voice to some of the most incredibly talented ‘up-and-coming’ creators of this decade. With this contest, now there are even more opportunities for new talent to shine.”

CEREAL AND PAJAMAS is a collection of original stories meant to evoke the nostalgia of Saturday mornings with a grown-up twist. The stories compile the talents of up-and-comers such as Ray-Anthony Height (Noble Causes, Darkstorm), Jeffrey Cruz (10th Muse, Sinbad: Rogue of Mars), Dan Schoening (Invincible Handbook Vol. 2, DC Online) and Israel Cruz (Atomik Mike), as well a slew of artists from the fields of television and games. The book features a cover by Jack Lawrence (Lions, Tigers and Bears, GoGo-Gorilla and the Jungle Crew, A.T.O.M.)

Inspired in style and execution by fond memories and fueled by mature storytelling, the creators of CEREAL & PAJAMAS bring you endless worlds of adventure: faraway galaxies, zombified tomorrows, fantastic landscapes, crime-ridden cities and many more. Saturday morning grows up with 11 original tales by industry veterans and newcomers alike.

CEREAL AND PAJAMAS currently contains over 128 full-color pages of completed stories and will be released in August. You can see more at APE Comics or Cereal & Pajamas @ ComicSpace


1st Place
- Your artwork printed in the Cereal and Pajamas anthology
- A free Collector's Edition copy of Cereal and Pajamas.

2nd and 3rd Place
- Your artwork printed in the Cereal and Pajamas anthology
- A free copy of Cereal and Pajamas.



Monday, April 30, 2007

In anticipation for the new Spidey flim, and news of a Spider-man animated series designed by Sean Galloway, I thought I'd drop some art. I was trying to really push the posing with Spidey, as he is amazing, so why not try and give him amazing poses. Now, I'm not saying the drawing is amazing, but I know I couldn't stretch that good. Also, it's a nice juxtaposition with having Spider-man very agile, while Parker more subdued. As a bonus, my good friend Cale Atkinson sketched up a Spider-Man VS. Venom pic, which I had to color up. Hope you all digs!

Monday, April 09, 2007

Follow this link to the DC Comics Myspace page and scroll down a tad to watch the video play out :)

Hope you all dig it

Hat tip


Friday, March 23, 2007

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Cereal and Pajamas Anthology!

Back in August a good friend of mine Will Caligan approached me about doing a short story for an anthology that he was putting together. I was a little hesitant at first as I'm not fond of drawing comics. I guess it's the lengthy process of drawing things panel by panel. It's weird as I love storyboard, and animation itself takes way longer than any comic possibly could. The short story could also be anything you like, so the freedom to create was foremost appealing. I'm not much of a writer so I mentioned to Will that I'd like to take on a co-created character of his. He hooked me up with the writer and we put our heads together to get something that wasn't the normal fair for comics. I really wanted something human, with feeling and emotion upfront. This way, the story would be more personal to the reader, and it would test my metal at showing emotion in my art. The story itself starts with the hero, Leo, chasing an arch villain through a mid-income residential type area of town. Leo corners the villain and to get away the villain blows up the lower lvl of an apartment. Leo then has to choose between getting his man, or saving the innocent people trapped inside. The rest of the story follows Leo, saving the residents of the building. After he brings out the last person, he finds out that two children are still inside. Exhausted, Leo runs back into the apartment. He finds the kids, but as he runs towards them the floor beneath him breaks and he falls into the fiery floors beneath. Leo awakens in a hospital, only to find out that the children he so desperately tried to save didn't survive.

As I said, I really wanted to bring humanity into the comic, to show that he is a vulnerable character with flaws. I hope that it shows in the art to come.
Due to commissions and contracts I had no time to color it, so I was stoked to find out that Luxun (Silas) was interested in coloring it. See the pin up above for his awesome work. Keep an eye on him, as he will be a rising star soon enough in the color biz. Stop by his Deviant Art page to get more juicy pics that he's colored up, Luxun's Gallery

The pages will be fully colored by April 1st, and then off for printing. I plan to be at the Chicago Con this year with Hen, Mike, and Tim Kelly so we'll have plenty of copies for sale there. And as a bonus, Jack Lawrence of ATOM, Lions, Tigers and Bears and Darkham Vale fame will be doing the cover. HUZZAH!

I'll post some completed pages next month :)



Friday, February 09, 2007

100 DC VILLAINS! Way back in May of 2005 I began doodling some sketches of some favorite Batman villains. Low and behold almost 2 years later, there are 100 villain designs. It was a labour of love that almost lost the muse in the end. However this last batch made it, and I'd like to share a few of them with ya. Feel free to post any C&C you have.



Tuesday, January 23, 2007


Well over the past few months I've been busy, doing work for DC Comics, a little short comic for an anthology and trying to find my muse inbetween. The best thing this winter besides my daughter and I enjoying Christmas, was that I got to see my brother again. I hadn't seen him in over 4 years, so it was just the right time now for him to fly all the way from sunny Australia to snowy Victoria. He was here for about 6 weeks, but it went by so fast. Hopefully within the next 2 years I'll be over there to visit. I lived in Australia for 8 months when I was younger, and thought it was cool. Although being from Canada, the heat almost made it too hard to breathe. LOL.

The Sketch Tavern is planning on hittin up either the San Diego Comic Con, or the Chicago one once more this year. I'll be sure to keep this blog updated, and if any of you reading plan to go let us know. It'd be awesome to meet ya.

