Hey everyone! Just wanted to start off with a big thanks to all that are following my diddies, it's quite an honor!
Things have been extremely busy for me for the past while, and on top of that I have a move at the end of the month. I think moving is a big hassle, but this one is worth it. Also, I think it's a mind pattern for everyone to loathe it. There are only a handful of people I know that actually like it. How do you feel about moving? Any good/bad experiences you'd like to share?

The art train is starting to pick up steam, and I'd like to share some goodies with ya. First off is a fun colab I did with Sean "Cheeks" Galloway. He asked if I'd like to color the pencils to this, and being a big fan of his work I jumped at it. I picked up quite a few tid bits on the way, that I've translated into some recent drawings. Thanks for the colab Sean, it was a blast!

Above we have some samples for my upcoming yearly Nintendo piece. I'm not going to do as many as the Punch Out or Zelda piece, but I will hit up my favs. I haven't played Prime 2 or 3 yet, even though I own 2 and it's still in the shrink wrap. I don't get to play games much, lol. Also 3 is out of my league as I don't own a Wii. Sad tines. Hope you dig these samples. The Rundas one I will only post here, no were else. That is until it's all complete. I'm aimin for June.
Big new with the Ghostbusters too! I can't give much away, but I've teamed up with a wicked writer who KNOWS the characters so well, it's a perfect fit. When the cat is out of the bag, we'll post the art and writing. I better zip my lip....
Thanks again for followin the work here, and I hope to post again soon!